Author: Kevin Bae
To headphone or not to headphone
I record an episode without headphones to see if I sound different.
Getting on board with value for value
This is the best video so far that explains getting on board with the value for value model for podcasting. If you are having trouble understanding it this covers what you need to know to start streaming sats to your favorite podcast.
Podcasting on the go – aka my epic fail
I tried to podcast while traveling and failed miserably.
Still muddling through
Episode 10! I discuss what I’ve done over the past month. Go over the Chasing the Yield & That’s All I Got podcasts. Discuss workflow, wordpress, and thought process.
Transcripts & Chapters
An overview of how I implement transcripts and chapters.
Success to Launch
I finally go into my podcasting equipment, how I host the files, and why I do it the way I do. I also discuss the other podcasts I launched.
I have chapters!
I implemented chapters for the podcast and briefly talk about the process.
Getting back behind the microphone
I haven’t recorded anything since the beginning of February. I intended to publish something once a week at least but life got in the way a bit. I’m sure I’m not the first one to fiddle around with podcasting only to abandon it after a few episodes. Well, I’m not abandoning things. I just had…
Talking is hard
I’m not used to podcasting and as such I find it difficult to organize my thoughts when recording.
Ep. 5 RSS Limbo
I covered a lot of this ground on the last episode but it wasn’t fully resolved so I’m going over it a little again. The RSS feed fiasco I had moving from Castopod to Blubrry PowerPress through me for a loop. I didn’t think it would be that hard to fix. But, it’s fixed now…