Author: Kevin Bae
Create YouTube videos for your podcast with PodViz by
Any podcaster would be crazy to ingest their RSS feed into YouTube in order to get on their “podcast platform.” YouTube has a roach motel model where you can ingest your RSS feed and all your episodes will be on YouTube but there is no RSS feed from YouTube for anyone to listen to your…
Problems with content creation
I’m not a natural content creator. If you’ve followed this blog or the intermittent podcasting I do you’re saying to yourself… no f’ing duh. I believe my problem stems from not having a specialty. I have many hobbies but I don’t have anything in particular that I’m uniquely passionate about. I’ve never had a “passion”.…
Modern podcast apps
I created a page on this site to highlight new podcast apps that I use the most. You can always go to to check out the most recent list of apps that utilize many of the new features of Podcasting 2.0. There are a bunch of modern podcast apps that have features you…
Podcast listing solved and I curse syntax
I wasn’t able to get a response with regards to my messing up the listing of The Casual Hike at I ended up changing the file name to my RSS feed and adding the podcast back to the index. That solved my problem and I even kept the same GUID! I didn’t think that…
Messed up my listing at
Once again I screwed things up and I’m not sure how to fix it. I successfully created the hiking podcast. You can find the feed at I added it to and everything was hunky dory. But, a problem cropped up where the index showed there were two episodes instead of only one. One…
Back in the podcast saddle
I guess I’m podcasting again. This time I’m a little more independent because I want to see how Sovereign Feeds work and I feel more comfortable with an XML file for my feed rather than one that is autogenerated at a directory. It’s definitely not as easy as PowerPress but it’s more complete and flexible…
Submitted The Casual Hike to
I just submitted my hiking podcast to the Podcast Index at Adding a podcast to the index is simple and straight forward. Click on the “Add” link near the top right, enter the URL of the feed, click on the captcha, then click on “Add”. And that’s it! It takes 15 to 20 minutes…
Changing my RSS generator
I’m going to change what I use to generate the podcast feed for Podcast Idiot to This will allow me to experiment with that before implementing it for the hiking podcast I’m starting. Right now if you check for the feed for Podcast Idiot it points to I will create a file…