Tag: cryptocurrency

  • I’m going to attempt a relaunch of this podcast

    I’m going to attempt a relaunch of this podcast

    I started the idea to podcast a year ago because I was bored. I also learned about Podcasting 2.0 and started listening to their podcast. I was intrigued as to where they were headed specifically with Value4Value and streaming payments to podcasters or any other person making content distributed via RSS. Over the last year…

  • Getting on board with value for value

    This is the best video so far that explains getting on board with the value for value model for podcasting. If you are having trouble understanding it this covers what you need to know to start streaming sats to your favorite podcast.

  • Getting back behind the microphone

    Getting back behind the microphone

    I haven’t recorded anything since the beginning of February. I intended to publish something once a week at least but life got in the way a bit. I’m sure I’m not the first one to fiddle around with podcasting only to abandon it after a few episodes. Well, I’m not abandoning things. I just had…