I wasn’t able to get a response with regards to my messing up the listing of The Casual Hike at podcastindex.org. I ended up changing the file name to my RSS feed and adding the podcast back to the index. That solved my problem and I even kept the same GUID! I didn’t think that would happen but it did.
I added the transcript and chapters for The Casual Hike and couldn’t get them to work. I went over the .srt and .json files to see what was wrong. I stared at them for about an hour. I compared them to other transcript and chapter files from my podcast Chasing the Yield (I will be restarting that podcast too. I’m taking a little break to figure this one out and to change up the format) to find errors and couldn’t see where I went wrong. And then I spotted it and wanted to kick myself in the teeth. I had a simple typo in the URL for the transcript and I had an extra comma at the end of a bracket in the .json file for the chapters. Fixed those two simple things and now it all works!
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